Opportunity - Vacancy for ECR Nineteenth-Century French Art Network Committee Member
The ECR French Nineteenth-Century Art Network is recruiting a new committee member to help organize and shape the future direction of the network. Responsibilities of the five-member committee range from social media management, newsletter writing, event planning, and the convening of network sessions and research forums. In addition to these tasks, which are split evenly between them, committee members usually chair 1–2 events per academic year.
The post is on a voluntary basis with commitment expected to be around 1–2 hours per month (plus events). To reflect the busy and ad hoc nature of ECR life, the structure of the committee allows for members to take time away to complete their research, full-time roles, and other business. We hold planning meetings every few months.
Given the community we aim to serve, we seek applications from Early Career Researchers—anyone currently undertaking their PhD or has completed it within eight years in the discipline of nineteenth-century French art. ECRs from any geographic location and those working across a broad range of sectors (from universities, to museums, galleries, and other professions) are invited to apply. We also strongly welcome applications from those from less well represented backgrounds and sectors.
To be apply, please send a 1–2 paragraph email addressing the following to info@ecrfrenchart.com
1) Your current level for study, area of research, and any relevant associations (universities, museums, etc.)
2) Your interest in joining the committee and what relevant experience you can bring to the network
3) Possible ideas for future events and/or direction of the network
If you have any questions or queries, please direct them to info@ecrfrenchart.com
Applications will close 30 August.